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All the Published articles By the International Journal of Current Innovations in Advanced Research (IJCIAR) are available Worldwide Under the Open Access Policy. As per the Budapest Open Access Initiative, Readers can Directly Access Published articles without paying any subscription or access fees. Readers are allowed to read, download, copy and distribute the full text of all published articles, and readers can Utilize the published article for Non-Commercial Purposes.

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The names and email addresses, and articles entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party. For any queries or questions about your privacy and the International Journal of Current Innovations in Advanced Research please contact our editorial office at  editor.ijciar@gmail.com

Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism detection: All Received Manuscripts are initially screened with Turnitin. A definite process is followed to handle a case of plagiarism. IJCIAR follows the guidelines included in the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) flowcharts https://publicationethics.org/files/plagiarism%20A.pdf

Authors can adhere to the following steps to report plagiarism: 

  1. Report to the journal editor where a plagiarized article is published.
  2. Send original and plagiarized articles with plagiarized parts to be underlined.
  3. If evidence of plagiarism is convincing, the editor should arrange for a disciplinary meeting.
  4. If the authors are found guilty of plagiarism
  5. The plagiarist should be asked to explain.
  6. In case of nonresponse in the stipulated time or an unsatisfactory explanation, the article should be permanently retracted.
  7. The author should be blocklisted and debarred for submitting an article to a particular journal for at least six months.
  8. The concerned head of the organization has to be notified.

For more information about Plagiarism, contact editor.ijciar@gmail.com

Withdrawl Policy

If the corresponding author wants to withdraw his/her article, they must contact the chief editor through email. IJCIAR Doesn't Collect processing fees if the article is withdrawn within 15 days after submission. After this stipulated period, if the author requests for withdrawal, the article processing charges (APC) need to be paid by the author.

Archiving Policy

International Journal of Current Innovations in Advanced Research (IJCIAR) is Archived all published content in PKP Preservation Network.

Retraction Policy

To publish corrections, clarification, retractions whenever needed. The publication should be done on a timely basis to achieve the timeliness of publishing the schedule of the journal.

Factual mistakes are a part of science and publishing and require publication of a correction when they are detected. So Correction, Retractions, Republication, and errors are handled as per standards prescribed by ICMJE

Corrections and Retractions

Retraction Guidelines

In order to maintain the integrity and virtue of the journals scholar content, we follow COPE guidelines (Please refer COPE Council.COPE Guidelines: A short Guide to ethical Editing for new Editors.May 2019 .(Version 3.). DOI:https://doi.org/10.24318/cope.2019.1.8 

The journal follows COPE’s retraction guidelines for retraction process. Please refer COPE Council.COPE Retraction guidelines- English. DOI:https://doi.org/10.24318/cope.2019.1.4

Reasons for Retraction

1.If the paper  was found for any flaw or mismorality of scientific data's or similar contents in any part of the paper that would devalue the methods or results or discussions or conclusions that would be obtained from misconduct of the study , fabricating the results or any datas or of any experimental error by human leading to error in calculation or of multiple submission , fraudulent data usage  or similar activities.

  1. If the data's or results or observations earlier published in any other journal if mentioned in the paper detected or reported, without citing appropriately or without procuring of relevant permissions, or of any reduntant publications.

  2. If there is any unethical conduct such as plagiarism or data fabrication or image manipulation , inappropriate authorship such as gift or ghost author.  Please refer the following COPEs resources,
    a. COPE’s discussion document of Authorship and Contributorship available at https://publicationethics.org/resources/discussion-documents/authorship 
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.24318/cope.2019.3.3

b  COPE’S Authorship Discussion Document (PDF) available at https://publicationethics.org/files/COPE_DD_A4_Authorship_SEPT19_SCREEN_AW.pdf 

  1. Conduction of unethical experiments or surveys or research.

Retraction Process

Inorder to provide ethical and rational scholarly content in our journal  and following COPE guidelines DOI:https://doi.org/10.24318/cope.2019.1.4 we follow retraction process towards publishing best scholarly content .

We try to handle the best practises along with COPE Guidelines (Please refer COPE  Flow charts available at  DOI:https://publicationethics.org/node/19631 )for retraction of paper and we follow the following process,

  1.  Complainant or whistle blower can directly drop an email to the address available at “contact” of our journal web page detailing the title , volume, issue and nature and details of the complaint.
    2.    Managing editor takes the responsibility and if needed any member of the editorial board joins to conduct the investigation over the complaint received.
    3.    The investigation involves  gathering all available emails and communications to and from journal and authors and from the complainant. 
    4.    Enquiries and interrogation with author and the complaining parties would be made via email.
    5.    We try to ensure that the investigation would be conducted using correct procedures and also in support of COPE guide lines DOI:https://doi.org/10.24318/cope.2019.1.4and not harming or dishonour or blemish scholar publishing rationale and its  credibility and without any personal influence or biasing nature.
    6.    After investigation is completed , it will be reported to the Editor in Chief and if needed to relevant editorial board member and final decision would be arrived. 
    7.    Retraction guidelines of COPE would be followed mostly to assure and honour academic credits.

Once decision is arrived for retraction , the article would not be removed but retraction statement would be published  in a separate page in the journal and the link of the original published page will be provided.  Water mark “Retracted” would be included in the article and would be retained in same volume and page to ensure scientific record maintenance. Thus the following will be executed in the case of “retraction”
1.     The retraction would be displayed on a prominent page of the journal
2.    If there is any retraction ,the contents page of the respective issue will have retraction page with its respective page number.
3.    The title of the retracted paper will also be present in the retraction section of the content page.
4.    In the retraction page , reasons of the retraction and the link to the original paper will be made available
5.    Retraction statement would be bi directionally linked to the original paper to ensure ease of availability of the original article.

Article withdrawals:

Articles that are in press and have been accepted for publishing but not allotted any volume, issue,page number can also end in withdrawals. Those unpublished paper but still in the process of copy editing or uncorrected or under typeset but not allotted any DOI number can be withdrawn at any stage due to various reasons such as unresolvable typo errors, referencing format mistakes, bogus claims or  plagiarism , data manipulations or multiple submissions or ethical or scientific misconduct or any scientific or other similar errors if observed lately . It would be intimated to the respective author and withdrawal decision would be taken by the managing editor in consultation with the Editor in Chief.

Article removal

The published article can end in removal for the following reasons,
1.If it infringes any copy right laws or any legal laws
2. If it infringes any intellectual property of any other third party
3.If it infringes privacy of any individual or institute or organisation or any bodies or society.
4.If court of law judgments for its removal.
5. If it attracts or causes any communal problems hampering any unlawful situation to the society
6.If it creates any serious health problems

On removal of the article , the title and the author will be retained along with the text mentioning the reason for removal of the article.

Article replacement

If any published article due to any reason been retracted, and the reasons been resolved by the author to the satisfaction of the journal’s policy and if approved by the journal  and the corrected article has no reason for retraction can be replaced for the old retracted article.But in this case the same process of retraction will be followed but in addition, a link for this corrected republished  article would be provided in the retraction notice.

Expression of concern

In any misleading content, if found in the published paper and if deducted by the editor or any member of the editorial board member, and if they want to make the reader aware of those content without retracting the paper , the journal issues “Expression of Concern”.  This editorial “Expression of concern” makes the reader aware  about the flaws that influences the paper's integrity. But this is issued if  their is any undecided conclusion of any investigations of the respective article or judgement would be unavailable for undetermined period and if found rationale for issuing the expression of concern.Please refer COPE case 17-02 Data manipulation and institute's internal review

Copy Right

In submitting an article to the International Journal of Current Innovations in Advanced Research (IJCIAR) I certify that:

  1. I am authorized by my co-authors to enter into these arrangements.
  2. I warrant, on behalf of myself and my co-authors, that:
  • The article is original, has not been formally published in any other peer-reviewed journal, is not under consideration by any other journal, and does not infringe any existing copyright or any other third party rights;
  • I am/we are the sole author(s) of the article and have full authority to enter into this agreement and in granting rights to IJPDA are not in breach of any other obligation;
  • The article contains nothing that is unlawful, libelous, or which would, if published, constitute a breach of contract or of confidence or of commitment given to secrecy;
  • I/we have taken due care to ensure the integrity of the article. To my/our - and currently accepted scientific - knowledge all statements contained in it purporting to be facts are true and any formula or instruction contained in the article will not if followed accurately, cause any injury, illness, or damage to the user.
  1. I, and all co-authors, agree that the article if editorially accepted for publication, shall be licensed under the  Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
  2. I, and all co-authors, agree that, if the article is editorially accepted for publication in the International Journal of Current Innovations in Advanced Research data included in the article shall be made available under the Creative Commons 1.0 Public Domain Dedication waiver, unless otherwise stated. For the avoidance of doubt, it is stated that sections 1, 2, and 3 of this license agreement shall apply and prevail.